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丹麥品牌 VITA “EOS” Goose Feather Pendant Lamp 真鵝毛吊燈

我們最新介紹給大家的,是來自丹麥設計的VITA EOS Goose Feather 羽毛燈…但不要害怕,雖然VITA EOS 是用純白的鵝羽毛做成,但全部都不是從活體取下,也不會用任何不人道的方式去生產的,這也是歐洲生產商用書面法律文件來保證的。所有鵝毛的來源是從飼養食用鵝的剩餘副產品收集得來,加以清潔再利用 (也總好過當成廢物掉棄,或送去焚化爐燒成灰燼吧)。不單如此,丹麥品牌VITA 的燈飾會利用硬紙盒的扁平包裝,雖然客人要自己組裝燈飾,但這樣的安排可以儘量減少包裝和運輸過程中的碳排放。希望可以多一些愛惜資源的環保生活態度吧。


We use efficient flat packaging, re-cycled materials and repurposing of by-products. The latter is the case of our goose feathers used for our popular VITA EOS feather lamps. All feathers used are a by-product of the food industry. Goose feathers that would otherwise be burned are instead sanitized and repurposed thus diminishing the environmental impact. NONE of our goose feathers are derived from live or mistreated geese. VITA is required by law, and all major retailers around the world, to document the origin and proper handling of all geese and feathers.

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