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澳洲品牌 LUCCI Air DC Ceiling Fan “Fraser Hugger” & “Radar” for low ceiling 低樓底直流電機吊風扇燈

夏天已至,春天潮濕翳焗,只用冷氣抽濕降溫感覺寒風刺骨,試試吊風扇連燈代替現有燈飾,慳地方之餘又慳電費。現推出多款低樓使用吊扇連燈(約合適8-8呎半高度)。LUCCI Air澳洲品牌-”Fraser” & “Radar” DC 直流慳電(3W-30W)摩打更由台灣生産,6個不同速度自由選擇(可設定怠速柔和風力),遙控正反方向動(直接向下送風或間接向上抽風),可配LED燈具作輔助照明。*現優惠價送基本安裝


Now even homes with low ceilings can enjoy the year round comfort of a ceiling fan. With a short drop of only 195mm>, the Lucci Air Airfusion “Radar Hugger” and “Fraser Hugger” is not only functional but stunning in design. It generates very good air flow even with very close to the ceiling distance from the blades. The blade is treated with high heat and curved that makes the air moving even more quickly. Rust free with plastic housing. Six speeds remote control with handy one press remote button reverse rotation function. Direct current motor (DC) runs energy as low as 3W at lowest speed to maximum 32W at high speed. LED light fitting adaptable. Now promotional price with free basic installation.

Lucci Air Radar with diffused brushed nickel 風扇燈 吊扇燈 thumbnail Lucci air radar Brushed nickel 風扇燈 吊扇燈 thumbnail radar radar light

Lucci Air Fraser hugger with diffused 風扇燈 吊扇燈 thumbnail Lucci Air Fraser Hugger ceiling fan 風扇燈 吊扇燈 thumbnail 210987 Fraser Hugger 低樓底扇
